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Peanuts Lesson Plans

Snoopy, Charlie Brown, and the Peanuts Gang keep kids engaged and entertained while sharpening STEM, Language Arts, and Social Studies skills. These free resources, created for students ages 4–13, are available in 11 languages.

Solar Science with the Peanuts Gang!

Solar Science with the Peanuts Gang! Grades K-2 Lesson Plans

Parent Guide (Ages 4-7)

Activity 1 What is a Solar Eclipse?

Activity 1 (Ages 4-7)

Activity 2 Safety First

Activity 2 (Ages 4-7)

Activity 3 Be a Citizen Scientist

Activity 3 (Ages 4-7)

Solar Science with the Peanuts Gang! Grades 3-6 Lesson Plans

Parent Guide (Ages 8-11)

Activity 1 What is an Eclipse?

Activity 1 (Ages 8-11)

Activity 2 Viewing an Eclipse Safely

Activity 2 (Ages 8-11)

Activity 3 Be a Citizen Scientist

Activity 3 (Ages 8-11)

Franklin Armstrong

activity sheet with a message to educators and a drawing of a black boy in an orange sweater

Parent Guide (Ages 4-7)

activity sheet "Franklin Makes a New Friend" with a comic strip and questions to answer

Activity 2 (Ages 4-7)

Meet Franklin worksheet with objects to count and word search

Activity 1 (Ages 4-7)

activity sheet "Toon into your Talents" with a comic strip and lines to answer questions

Activity 3 (Ages 4-7)

activity sheet with a message to educators and a drawing of a black boy in an orange sweater

Parent Guide (Ages 8-11)

activity sheet "Meet Franklin" with some questions to answer

Activity 1 (Ages 8-11)

activity sheet "Franklin Makes a New Friend" with a comic strip and questions to answer

Activity 2 (Ages 8-11)

activity sheet "Toon into your Talents" with a comic strip and questions to answer

Activity 3 (Ages 8-11)

Snoopy in Space: The Search for Life

Snoopy in Space: The Search for Life activity sheet parent guide

Parent Guide (Ages 4-7)

Life as we know it activity sheet with a picture matching game

Activity 1 (Ages 4-7)

Life in Our Solar System activity sheet with a tile game

Activity 2 (Ages 4-7)

Life in Deep Space activity sheet with a maze

Activity 3 (Ages 4-7)

Snoopy in Space: The Search for Life activity sheet parent guide

Parent Guide (Ages 8-11)

Life as We Know It activity sheet with paragraph writing exercise

Activity 1 (Ages 8-11)

Life in Our Solar System activity sheet with a sketching and writing exercise

Activity 2 (Ages 8-11)

Life in Deep Space activity sheet with paragraph writing exercise

Activity 3 (Ages 8-11)

Arbor Day

The Peanuts Gang Celebrates Arbor Day activity sheet explanation guide

Parent Guide (Ages 4-7)

We need trees activity sheet with image matching exercise

Activity 1 (Ages 4-7)

Communities need trees activity sheet with paragraph writing exercise

Activity 2 (Ages 4-7)

We Celebrate Trees activity sheet with map of United States of America

Activity 3 (Ages 4-7)

The Peanuts Gang Celebrate Arbor Day activity sheet. drawing of a dog with a shovel and a tree to plant

Parent Guide (Ages 8-11)

We need trees activity sheet with letter writing exercise

Activity 1 (Ages 8-11)

Community Needs Trees crossword puzzle

Activity 2 (Ages 8-11)

We celebrate trees activity sheet with crossword puzzle

Activity 3 (Ages 8-11)

Snoopy's Zero Gravity Mission

Snoopy's Zero Gravity Mission activity sheet parent guide

Parent Guide (Ages 4-7)

Snoopy's Special Mission activity sheet with a drawing exercise

Activity 1 (Ages 4-7)

Snoopy's Special Spacesuit activity sheet with word matching exercise

Activity 2 (Ages 4-7)

Snoopy in Space activity sheet with a maze game

Activity 3 (Ages 4-7)

Snoopy's Zero Gravity Mission activity sheet parent guide

Parent Guide (Ages 8-11)

Snoopy's Special Mission activity sheet with paragraph writing exercise

Activity 1 (Ages 8-11)

Snoopy's Special Spacesuit activity sheet with writing exercise

Activity 2 (Ages 8-11)

Snoopy in Space activity sheet with labeling exercise

Activity 3 (Ages 8-11)

Learning to Take Care with Peanuts

Learning to take care with Peanuts activity sheet parent guide

Parent Guide (Ages 4-7)

Learning when we try activity sheet with freehand drawing exercise

Activity 1 (Ages 4-7)

Learning when we listen activity sheet with paper cutting exercise

Activity 2 (Ages 4-7)

Learning when we play activity sheet with picture drawing exercise

Activity 3 (Ages 4-7)

Learning to take care with Peanuts activity sheet parent guide

Parent Guide (Ages 8-11)

Learning when we try activity sheet with paragraph writing exercise

Activity 1 (Ages 8-11)

Learning when we listen activity sheet with questions to be answered

Activity 2 (Ages 8-11)

Learning when we play activity sheet with an essay exercise

Activity 3 (Ages 8-11)

Earth Day

The Peanuts Gang Celebrates Earth Day activity sheet parent guide

Parent Guide (Ages 4-7)

The Peanuts Gang Celebrates Earth Day activity sheet parent guide

Activity 1 (Ages 4-7)

Reuse it or Loose it activity sheet with fill in the blanks

Activity 3 (Ages 4-7)

Tree Tales activity sheet with paragraph writing exercise

Activity 2 (Ages 4-7)

The Peanuts Gang Celebrates Earth Day activity sheet parent guide

Parent Guide (Ages 8-11)

The Earth around us activity sheet with paragraph writing exercise

Activity 1 (Ages 8-11)

Tree Tales activity sheet with crossword puzzle

Activity 2 (Ages 8-11)

Reuse it or Loose it activity sheet with fill in the blanks

Activity 3 (Ages 8-11)

It Takes Perseverance!

It Takes Perseverance activity sheet parent guide

Parent Guide (Ages 4-7)

The Red Planet activity sheet with crossword puzzle

Activity 1 (Ages 4-7)

Mission to Mars activity sheet with paragraph writing exercise

Activity 2 (Ages 4-7)

activity sheet "Engineered for Exploration" with identifying body parts and paper folding

Activity 3 (Ages 4-7)

It Takes Perseverance activity sheet parent guide

Parent Guide (Ages 8-11)

The Red Planet activity guide crossword puzzle

Activity 1 (Ages 8-11)

Mission to Mars activity sheet with questions to be answered

Activity 2 (Ages 8-11)

activity sheet "Engineered for Exploration" with identifying body parts and paper folding

Activity 3 (Ages 8-11)

Take Care with Peanuts

Take Care with Peanuts activity sheet parent guide

Parent Guide (Ages 4-7)

Take care of yourself with a scramble game

Activity 1 (Ages 4-7)

Take care of each other activity sheet with card making exercise

Activity 2 (Ages 4-7)

Take care of the Earth activity sheet with a word game

Activity 3 (Ages 4-7)

Take Care with Peanuts activity sheet parent guide

Parent Guide (Ages 8-11)

Take care of yourself activity sheet with word game

Activity 1 (Ages 8-11)

Take care of each other activity sheet with a brainstorm game

Activity 2 (Ages 8-11)

Take care of the Earth activity sheet with a crossword puzzle

Activity 3 (Ages 8-11)

Snoopy and NASA: Celebrating the Space Station

Snoopy and NASA Celebrating the Space Station activity sheet parent guide

Parent Guide (Ages 4-7)

Happy Anniversary, Space Station activity sheet with crossword puzzle

Activity 1 (Ages 4-7)

Life on The Space Station activity sheet multiple choice questions

Activity 2 (Ages 4-7)

Working in Space activity sheet with writing and drawing exercise

Activity 3 (Ages 4-7)

Snoopy and NASA Celebrating the Space Station activity sheet parent guide

Parent Guide (Ages 8-11)

Happy Anniversary, Space Station activity sheet with crossword puzzle

Activity 1 (Ages 8-11)

Life on the Space Station activity sheet with paragraph writing exercise

Activity 2 (Ages 8-11)

Working in Space activity sheet with a brainstorm exercise

Activity 3 (Ages 8-11)

Snoopy in Space

Snoopy in Space activity sheet parent guide

Parent Guide (Ages 4-7)

All aboard the ISS activity sheet with a test exercise

Activity 1 (Ages 4-7)

Mission to the Moon activity sheet with a test exercise

Activity 2 (Ages 4-7)

Ready, Set, Mars activity sheet with a drawing exercise

Activity 3 (Ages 4-7)

Snoopy in Space activity sheet parent guide

Parent Guide (Ages 8-10)

All aboard the ISS activity sheet with question and answer exercise

Activity 1 (Ages 8-10)

Mission to the Moon activity sheet with drawing exercise

Activity 2 (Ages 8-10)

Ready, Set, Mars activity sheet with paragraph writing exercise

Activity 3 (Ages 8-10)

Peanuts and NASA

Peanuts and NASA activity sheet parent guide

Parent Guide (Ages 4-7)

Back to the Moon activity sheet with drawing exercise

Activity 1 (Ages 4-7)

On to Orion activity sheet with drawing exercise

Activity 2 (Ages 4-7)

Moving to Mars activity sheet with paragraph writing exercise

Activity 3 (Ages 4-7)

Peanuts and NASA activity sheet with drawing exercise

Activity 4 (Ages 4-7)

Peanuts and NASA activity sheet parent guide

Parent Guide (Ages 8-10)

Back to the Moon activity sheet with paragraph writing exercise

Activity 1 (Ages 8-10)

Moving to Mars activity sheet with paragraph writing exercise

Activity 2 (Ages 8-10)

Moving to Mars activity sheet with paragraph writing exercise

Activity 3 (Ages 8-10)

Peanuts and NASA activity sheet with fill-in-the-blanks exercise

Activity 4 (Ages 8-10)

Celebrate Spring with Peanuts

Celebrate Spring with Charlie Brown and the Peanuts gang activity sheet explanation guide

Parent Guide (Ages 4-8)

Fun with flowers activity sheet with fill in the blank letters

Activity 1 (Ages 4-8)

Play ball, Charlie Brown activity sheet with matching numbers to pictures exercise

Activity 3 (Ages 4-8)

Spring has sprung activity sheet with scrambled tree matching exercise

Activity 2 (Ages 4-8)

Dream Big

Dream Big with Charlie Brown and Peanuts Gang activity sheet parent guide

Guide and Activities
(Ages 4-7)

Dream Big with Charlie Brown and Peanuts Gang activity sheet parent guide

Guide and Activities
(Ages 8-10)

Dream Big with Charlie Brown and Peanuts Gang activity sheet parent guide

Guide and Activities
(Ages 11-13)

5 individual Peanuts characters on white background

Meet the Peanuts Gang

Never Give Up

Never give up, Charlie Brown activity sheet parent guide

Guide & Activities
(Ages 8-10)

Never give up, Charlie Brown activity sheet parent guide

Guide & Activities
(Ages 11-13)

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