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a girl with black hear wearing a magenta dress


February 7, 1951

When Violet moved to town she and Patty became fast friends. Violet comes from an affluent family and doesn’t shy away from bragging about that. Though she comes from money, she’s not afraid to get her hands dirty, she likes making mud pies, and really does enjoy playing with the other kids in the neighborhood. Especially if the other kids are poking fun at Charlie Brown.



Meet My Friends

A boy wearing a yellow shirt with a black zigzag
A boy wearing a yellow shirt with a black zigzag

Charlie Brown

A black and white dog wearing a red collar
A black and white dog wearing a red collar


A little yellow bird
A little yellow bird


A girl with black hair wearing a blue dress with her arms in the air
A girl with black hair wearing a blue dress with her arms in the air


A boy sitting down with a blue blanket sucking his thumb
A boy sitting down with a blue blanket sucking his thumb


A girl with yellow hair wearing a pink dress with her arms spread out
A girl with yellow hair wearing a pink dress with her arms spread out


A boy with yellow hair sitting in front of a red piano
A boy with yellow hair sitting in front of a red piano


A boy wearing brown overalls surrounding in a cloud of dust
A boy wearing brown overalls surrounding in a cloud of dust


A boy wearing a orange jacket and blue pants
A boy wearing a orange jacket and blue pants


A girl with short brown hair wearing a green shirt and sandals holding a football
A girl with short brown hair wearing a green shirt and sandals holding a football

Peppermint Patty

A girl with short black hair wearing glasses and an orange shirt
A girl with short black hair wearing glasses and an orange shirt


a boy in a green shirt with brown shoes
a boy in a green shirt with brown shoes


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