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A boy wearing brown overalls surrounding in a cloud of dust


July 13, 1954

He may travel in his own personal dust cloud, but Pigpen’s mind and conscience are clear. He’s confident in who he is and carries himself with dignity and respect. He treats others well and hopes they will do the same for him (they often do not, but he perseveres). Pigpen considers it a point of pride that he is cloaked in the ‘dust of countless ages.’

Charlie Brown is the one kid that unconditionally accepts Pigpen for who he is, even defending his uncleanliness in one strip.


"Pigpen is a human soil bank who raises a cloud of dust on a perfectly clean street and passes out gum drops that are invariably black." Charles M. Schulz


Meet My Friends

A boy wearing a yellow shirt with a black zigzag
A boy wearing a yellow shirt with a black zigzag

Charlie Brown

A black and white dog wearing a red collar
A black and white dog wearing a red collar


A little yellow bird
A little yellow bird


A girl with black hair wearing a blue dress with her arms in the air
A girl with black hair wearing a blue dress with her arms in the air


A boy sitting down with a blue blanket sucking his thumb
A boy sitting down with a blue blanket sucking his thumb


A girl with yellow hair wearing a pink dress with her arms spread out
A girl with yellow hair wearing a pink dress with her arms spread out


A boy with yellow hair sitting in front of a red piano
A boy with yellow hair sitting in front of a red piano


A boy wearing a orange jacket and blue pants
A boy wearing a orange jacket and blue pants


A girl with short brown hair wearing a green shirt and sandals holding a football
A girl with short brown hair wearing a green shirt and sandals holding a football

Peppermint Patty

A girl with short black hair wearing glasses and an orange shirt
A girl with short black hair wearing glasses and an orange shirt


a young boy wearing a red shirt with blue overalls
a young boy wearing a red shirt with blue overalls


a boy in a green shirt with brown shoes
a boy in a green shirt with brown shoes


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